fredag den 4. juni 2010

1. Mai 2010

Of course we were at the 1. Mai kaefer treffen again this year, and like last year and the year before, we had a great trip. This year all cars got down to Hannover and home again safe. Congrats to our friend Mikkel with the trophy for his sweet black oval window car, it's nice done to the first show with this car.. Think I will let the pictures tell the rest of the stories.

torsdag den 3. juni 2010

onsdag den 2. juni 2010

Robri exhaust sharktail

Yes I know it´s been VERY long time since the last post, sorry. It must be time for a little update now. There´s not totaly silence in Winther´s garage, we are still here.

I got this very cool accessory for the exhaust pipes, think they match the car great, they are not small, but super awsome looking these Robri sharktail exhaust covers, I just love them.